Tuesday, September 10, 2013

NVS AUDIO Ipad MINI indash install 2013 Honda Pilot

Nvs Audio does another ipad mini in dash this time on a 2013 Honda Pilot.
This install features flush removable mount ipad mini with charging , video out to a flip down screen and mirror video out to front top screen.
The pictures below are the first version with the "click mount dock system we made", the problem with that solution was too much sun glare on the screen of the ipad, the photos below are version 2 we increased the angle of the screen and that fixed the problem. 
Version 1.0


NVS AUDIO Night car show September 7th 2013

NVS AUDIO's Night Car show at Cheeques in Linden NJ.
Saturday September 7th 2013
Nvs Audio Night show is a totally free event we host every year to hang out with our customers and show off some of our builds and have other car enthusiasts come our and show of theirs.
The car show featured free give always from Rockford , Phoenix gold , Audison , Hertz ,Stinger and Pioneer. Spl Competition, Loudest car competition and Best Team.













@nvs_audio instagram
NVSAudio Facebook
720 East Saint Georges ave
Linden NJ 07036

NVS AUDIO's car show August 25th 2013

NVS AUDIO's Car show August 25 2013 was a great Success!!!
I was our annual total free car show.


We had over 150 cars
Prize giveaways from Audison , Hertz, Rockford, Pioneer , Phoenix Gold, Stinger and Orion.


720 East Saint Georges ave
Linden NJ 07036